Your bike has no secrets to us

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Service & maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to avoiding issues during your ride, whether commuting or cruising. It also helps prevent unexpected and unnecessary service costs. Regular servicing by our trained professionals increases the life of your bike and boosts your riding pleasure.

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Diagnosis & repair

Hear a strange sound or feel something's off with your derailleur or chain? Or maybe your brakes are in need of repair? Our mechanics are ready to help.

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Upgrade & replace

We know how important it is to feel good on your bike. Sometimes, even a small change can make a huge difference and improve your ride's performance. Our specialists can adjust your bike or upgrade parts to meet your unique needs. Ready to take your bike to the next level?

We deliver excellent bike care

  • Trained and Certified Mechanics

  • Latest Shimano Technology

  • Genuine Shimano Parts

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E-bike check-up

E-bikes need special care that our Shimano-trained technicians are ready to provide. We can check and update your firmware or test your e-bike's battery performance. And because e-bikes are faster than traditional bikes, the brakes can wear out faster – we can check on those, too.

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Holiday service

Get the same trusted service all over Europe. Does your bike need some excellent care while tackling the mountains near  Lake Garda? Heard a funny sound while mashing down Mont Ventoux? Set course to the nearest Shimano Service Center and experience the quality and service you're used to at home.

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Professional advice

Questions about your bike or bike maintenance? We give the best advice. We know everything there is to know about Shimano bikes and the latest technologies. We're always ready to help you find the answers to your questions.